
2803 Pitler St, Pittsburgh, PA 15212

Active #1685083
Brighton HeightsPittsburgh School DistrictAllegheny County
Duplex0.05 Acres
Here it is! A new duplex to add to your portfolio or your next home with a cash flowing property to help build up equity - either way, this is certainly one to consider. Not only does it have several options for parking, but also it is not even a minute to Ohio River Blvd. Choose your own adventure! Head north to the shop-filled and walkable Bellevue and Sewickley, or travel only moments south to the heart of Pittsburgh. This is an immediately cash flowing property with the ideal circumstances of an open unit. Decide what works best for you. Come see your new investment - you're sure to just need it!
Listed ByNathaniel Yost(412) 415 - 1115
General Information
Lot Size 0.0521
Taxes $1,147
Zoning MUL
Exterior Features
Parking On-Street Parking
Utilities Available Electricity, Gas, Sewer, Water


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This is an estimate which can be affected by your lender's rates, PMI requirements and other factors. For the most accurate information, contact a mortgage representative.

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Listed ByNathaniel Yost(412) 415 - 1115

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